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2022 Leadership Book List


The Awesome Journey Team would like to wish you a wonderful holiday season and thank you for having us as part of your transformation and growth in 2021.

As we move forward into the new year, we invite you to take the time needed to rest your mind, expand your resilience, allowing openness to change and new possibilities to emerge.

Check out our 2022 Book List for the leaders in your life. Click HERE to download.


That Thing Called Work-Life Balance


Work-life balance is the idea that a fulfilling life outside of work helps improve work performance while reducing stress. The time a person spends working should be balanced by time spent with friends and family, keeping fit, traveling, and doing other fulfilling hobbies.

Why It Matters

With so many of us torn between juggling heavy workloads, managing relationships and family responsibilities, and squeezing in outside interests, it’s no surprise that more than one in four workers describe themselves as “super stressed”; that’s not balanced—or healthy.

Leadership Insights

What we see with many of our clients is 2 main reasons for not having a ‘Healthy” balance.

  1. Something is in their way of saying “no or stop” at work.
  2. They make a choice to focus on others or other things rather than themselves

Leadership Strategy

This month, take a look at your calendar or scheduling tool. Does it reflect an “In-balance” in your world, filled with meetings and work commitments and little to no time set aside for “you” activities.

Start adding “you” activities to your life and thus into your calendars and to do lists.

Make you a priority.

Awesome Read: Work Life Balance: For a lot of people, the pursuit of a healthy work/life balance seems like an impossible goal

Have an Awesome month Leaders!

Moving from Surviving to Thriving


The blunt reality is that even the most sought-after careers bring some stress and frustration, often daily. This may cause us to work in a “just get through today” or as we call it at Awesome Journey, a “survival mindset”. This can stop us from being the co-creators that we were meant to be.

Why it Matters?

As a leader, you are now the person that others come to when under stress and frustration. Many times, this comes in the form of a complaint which can negatively impact culture and potentially cause poor results.

Leadership Insights

We have a saying at Awesome Journey that we use with our clients: “Behind every complaint is a hidden request, can you hear it?”

When we are in a complaint, we often do not take the time to figure out what requests need to be made. It’s easier to just stay in the complaint, then to do the work to turn it around.


Next time one of your teammates comes to you with a complaint, empower them to see what request they need to make, to move out of a “survival mindset” and into a “thriving mindset”. (hint: most times it is creating a conversation that they should, but do not want to have!)

Awesome Read

The link below offers some action steps that can support you in turning a complaint into a request.

The Next Time You Want to Complain at Work, Do This Instead

Have an Awesome Month!


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