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Leadership – How it Impacts Performance


This month we are focusing on Performance and how Leadership plays a critical role in its success.

Why it Matters

Leadership is the most important ingredient to increase the performance of any organization.

You can tell the level of leadership by the overall success the organization is generating. They are producing consistent, repeatable, and reliable results.

Leadership Strategy

Leadership and performance go hand in hand with trust. The more leaders both demand and demonstrate their trustworthiness by being sincere, competent, reliable, and involved, the better results they will see from employee performance.

Leadership Challenge

Start to measure your team’s level of trust that improve performance by answering these questions:

  1. Integrity (Sincerity) – How well do we follow through on our promises?
  2. Competency – How well do we provide feedback for improvement?
  3. Reliability – Are we meeting our timelines?
  4. Involvement – How well do we show up for meetings to participate fully?

Answer the questions above and start building trust to improve performance, a key tool to being a great leader!

Awesome Watch (3 min)

Leadership vs. Performance

Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!

Effective Meetings are a Cornerstone of a High Performing Culture


Great leaders understand the importance of team meetings, the impact on culture, productivity and the understanding that producing a great meeting takes intentional design and deliberate effort.   

Why it matters

An effective team meeting helps teams align on the topics of discussion, air any concerns or obstacles, and have clarity on future actions.

This is fundamental in creating your High Performing Culture.

Leadership Insights

Improving the effectiveness of team meetings is one of the most important things a manager can do as a leader. It’s surprising how many managers are proud to proclaim their dislike of meetings, but to generate action, achieve significant results, solve problems, make decisions, inform, inspire, collaborate, and motivate, managers need to work with their people!

Leadership Strategy

Don’t delegate the agenda planning to another team member. As the leader, it’s your meeting to design and run. To put yourself in the proper frame of mind, ask and answer the following question:

1. What kind of meeting is it? (i.e.: Check-in, strategic etc.)
2. After this meeting are actions being generated?
3. Are my team members clear about how to collaborate well to get the results we are looking to co-create?

Awesome Reference:

12 Team Meeting Ideas to Engage Your Employees
Death By Meeting By Patrick M. Lencioni

Have an Awesome month leader!

“Do Less” So You Have Time To “See More”


Every day you hustle to get things done and you plan out what you’re going to do and when. Add on tackling unexpected and new tasks, never losing focus on where you are going. All of this is good because planning helps you achieve your goals. But how often do you take the time to step back and reflect on what happened? Or “watch the game film” as sport teams and athletes do? 

Why it Matters

There is as much to learn from what you do well as in what mistakes you made and the problems you encountered. Accomplishments and “breakdowns” are learning opportunities if you take the time to practice noticing, reflecting, and contemplating to strengthen your mental muscle to “See More”.

Leadership Insights

“To transform your business begins with transforming yourself. Why, because to grow your business you don’t need to do more you need to learn to see more to see the gaps to support change, to grow.” Tony Zampella, Bhavana Learning Group

Leadership Strategy

Identifying gaps starts with developing a practice of “Daily reflection”. Start off simple, when finishing off your day, take 15 minutes to reflect by writing down a couple of things that went well and a couple that didn’t. From here we can look for gaps and create a plan to improve performance.

Awesome Read:

 5 Powerful Reasons to Make Reflection a Daily Learning Habit, and How to Do It

Have an Awesome Month Leaders!

Our Relationship to Breakdowns Affects How We Lead


We learn from a young age that breakdowns shouldn’t happen and are bad events in our lives to be avoided. At AJ, we tell a different story; breakdowns are the key to improvement. No matter your experience level, you’re bound to have breakdowns, especially if you are taking on something big at work or in life.

Why it Matters?

Breakdowns are a tool for improvement. How much game film do the great teams watch after their performance? Yes, they celebrate what they did well, but they also look to see what they can improve on. Even after the best of wins, the greats are looking for breakdowns to upgrade for the next game and show up better.

Leadership Insights

As a leader, can you let go of seeing a breakdown as something is wrong that needs to be fixed, determining whose fault it was? Will you try on seeing a breakdown as an invitation to discover what is missing for us to create the outcome we desire for the next time.

Leadership Strategy

“The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.” — John Powell

Over the next few weeks, get into a conversation about breakdowns and the opportunity to learn to see what’s missing to apply for next time by:

  1. Planning time to identify and discuss breakdowns after scheduled events (look at game film).
  2. Identify what was missing to put in place to ensure success next time.

The link below offers some more practices that can support in reversing burnout in yourself and others.

Awesome Reference

5 Failure: The Secret to our Success is one of our favourite videos on learning from breakdowns.

Have an awesome month, leader! 

Getting Back in the Game


As we approach the second anniversary of COVID-19, more and more professionals are “hitting the wall” and burnout is at an all time high across all market segments.

Toss on top winter, cold weather, and January’s shorter days with less sun and you have the instant cherry on top of a doom and gloom recipe for burnout.

Why it Matters?

It is no secret that burnout has a direct impact on your ability to produce results. Not to mention, it impacts how effectively you lead others, who are likely burnt out as well and will need extra motivation from you to perform.

Leadership Insights

Burnout is different from stress. Stress can be managed by tactics like taking time off, going on vacation or rest. Burnout is a type of exhaustion that can be very difficult to turn around or recover from and does not go away on its own.

Leadership Strategy

Burnout can be transformed through the following set of practices:

  1. Prioritize self-care – make time for self-care and add to your calendar so its reliably in existence.
  2. Set firm boundaries and agreements – it’s ok to take a knee and shut it down.
  3. Get support – find an accountability partner that can pull you to the surface (presence), so you can pause, breathe, reset and start winning the race again.
  4. Change your mindset – reframe something that shows up as a negative/bad/wrong. Ask yourself, what is the learning in this?

The link below offers some more practices that can support in reversing burnout in yourself and others.

Awesome Read

5 Things to Do When You’re on the Edge of Burnout

Have an awesome month, leader! 


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