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Becoming a Learning Organization


This month we are looking at Organizational Leadership and the importance of becoming a “Learning Organization”.

Why It Matters

For organizations to continue to succeed in today’s ever-changing landscape, they need to fight the urge to settle or be complacent. Many organizations find success and expect it to just last. Please, go buy a Kodak camera or rent a movie from Blockbuster. Both companies were pioneers in their field; Kodak invented the digital camera technology and dismissed it, not taking the time to “learn” what was happening at the frontline.

Leadership Strategy

The first step in becoming a learning organization is to become a great Listening Organization. The best organizations have processes and structures to listen up, down and outside the entire organization on a constant basis, not just in the boardroom.

Starbucks Execs and head office partners spend time in their stores donning an apron, so they are with the customer and their partners and learn firsthand what the organization needs to focus on.

Leadership Challenge

Ask each of your senior leaders to spend some time in the frontline and report back on what they have learned.

Awesome Resources:

The Importance Of Listening For Organizational Success (5-minute read)
Culture of Deep Listening Video (5-minute video)

Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!

Fall 2022 Program is full

Next program early 2023

Leadership – How it Impacts Performance


This month we are focusing on Performance and how Leadership plays a critical role in its success.

Why it Matters

Leadership is the most important ingredient to increase the performance of any organization.

You can tell the level of leadership by the overall success the organization is generating. They are producing consistent, repeatable, and reliable results.

Leadership Strategy

Leadership and performance go hand in hand with trust. The more leaders both demand and demonstrate their trustworthiness by being sincere, competent, reliable, and involved, the better results they will see from employee performance.

Leadership Challenge

Start to measure your team’s level of trust that improve performance by answering these questions:

  1. Integrity (Sincerity) – How well do we follow through on our promises?
  2. Competency – How well do we provide feedback for improvement?
  3. Reliability – Are we meeting our timelines?
  4. Involvement – How well do we show up for meetings to participate fully?

Answer the questions above and start building trust to improve performance, a key tool to being a great leader!

Awesome Watch (3 min)

Leadership vs. Performance

Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!

Strategic Execution – Feedback Conversation


This month we are focusing on Strategic Execution, and the conversations needed to support the success of any Strategic Plan. One of these conversations is feedback and, more specifically, what “breakdowns & struggles” have been seen that need to be addressed by having a feedback conversation.

Why it Matters

Feedback is a fundamental leadership practice for improvement! To improve organizational performance, we have to deal with the areas that have low workability. Could you imagine a football team not looking at the game last week to make adjustments for this week? 

So, what stops leaders from receiving or giving feedback? The biggest reason is that we have learned from an early age that feedback is negative, demotivating and possibly hurtful. In most cases, the view of feedback is that it’s bad news, wrong or even career-ending – so let’s just avoid it altogether.

Leadership Strategy

As leaders, we have to be comfortable with giving constructive (useful, beneficial and purposeful) feedback and using it as a tool for improvement versus making others feel small, wrong or judged.

Remember, when you have leaders who are open to giving and receiving feedback, overall performance will improve!   

Leadership Challenge

In the next few weeks, ask 4 people to give you constructive feedback on your leadership. By modelling to others that you are open to receiving feedback, it will impact others’ listening for receiving feedback in a positive way, and as an important tool for success!

Awesome Watch (9 min):

The Joy of getting Feedback by Joe Hirsh

Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!

Strategic Plan Execution


This month we are focusing on Strategic Execution and what it takes to be successful at executing a strategic plan.

Why it Matters

Some recent findings show that 70% of well-formulated strategies fail due to poor execution!

Companies tend to spend more time planning and building the plan rather than implementing and executing the strategy and, more specifically, don’t plan and design the proper conversations needed for success.

Leadership Strategy

Take the time to plan your team’s communication and engagement around your strategy.

Four intentional conversations that your leaders need to be having to ensure the organization’s strategic plan is being executed per defined timelines:

  1. Clarity of specific actions and next steps
  2. Follow-up and accountability for these actions
  3. Acknowledgement of success in completing the actions
  4. Space to deal with breakdowns and struggles completing the actions

Leadership Challenge

In your “Strategic Think Time” this week, reflect on which of the four conversations are happening by your team and which ones need to be upgraded to support the execution of the organization’s Strategic Plan. 

Awesome Watch (7 min)

The Strategy Implementation Challenge

Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!

The Importance of Leaders Creating Time Weekly for “Strategic Thinking Time”


This month we are focusing on Strategic Design by creating time in your schedule for Strategic Thinking.

Why it Matters

As leaders we create our future, we do not predict our future. Therefore, if you are not intentional about creating time for strategic thinking your future will be the same as the past.

Leadership Strategy

Successful Leaders start by planning their time for strategic thinking. At Awesome Journey we call this “Strategic Thinking Time”, time for reviewing data, time for research, time for thinking about how to connect what appear as unconnected opportunities. It is also a time to challenge your thinking by being in conversations with others who can ask you thoughtful questions to poke at your thinking.

Leadership Challenge

Take some time and answer the following questions:

  1. How much time are you spending on day-to-day operational issues vs time for longer-term strategic thinking and planning?
  2. Are your decision-making efforts on short-term issues or on long-term strategies?
  3. Who are you involving in your strategic thinking conversations?
  4. Is your strategic thinking time focused on rigorous analysis or on hunches & gut feel?
  5. Who are your thought leaders you learn from to cultivate your strategic thinking?

Awesome Read:  Six Essential Skills of Strategic Thinking


Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!


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