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Powerful Leaders Take Time to Ponder
April 22, 2016

Powerful Leaders “Take Time to Ponder” their performance on a regular basis.

The question that I spent time pondering this week was,

“What inspired me, moved me or energized me to take action?

My answer – this quote by Margaret Mead:

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Pondering this quote lead me to explore how to leverage the “Gifts of Greatness” of each of my team members to create a High Performance Team that provides WOW!! Service to Awesome Journey clients. From there I thought about how to design more intentional conversations to inspire and empower each of my team mates and awaken them to their greatness.


For the next three days, pay attention to things, people, and experiences that inspire you and energize you to take action and write them down.  Book an hour in your calendar at the end of the week to sit in an inspiring space with no distractions to ponder your list and design conversations to inspire your team.

Ask yourself this question at the end of the hour…

“What is this experience asking me to look at, discover or see that will allow me to grow and transform as a Powerful Leader?”


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