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Powerful Leaders – Are Intentional About Designing and Building a Leadership Culture
April 22, 2016

Powerful leaders have clarity between the distinction of “Being a Leader” and “Being a Manager” that enables them to design and build a Powerful Leaderful Culture.

Being a Leader – Being a Manager

  • Listens for future – Manages a process
  • Authority is declared – Authority is given
  • Inspires and empowers others – Tells others what to do
  • Uses generative language – Uses descriptive language
  • Challenges the Status Quo – Obedient to the Status Quo
  • Is a Possibility Thinker – Is a Scarcity Thinker

Why is it so important to have an organization of Leaders at all levels?

It becomes too overwhelming for the CEO of an organization to process the plethora of data that comes from employees, clients, suppliers, competitors, subject matter experts, publications, media, and conversations they engage in to envision the future direction of the company.

However, when a CEO is intentional about designing and building a powerful leadership culture, Leaders at all levels of the organization process information they are exposed to with the intent to share and develop opportunities to advance the organization.

Challenge: Be intentional about Being a Leader vs. Being a Manager and observe the affect it has on your organization’s Leadership Culture.


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