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Learning to Anticipate Your Clients Needs
July 19, 2023

This month we continue our focus on creating a client-centric culture and the importance of intentionally listening to our clients.

Why it Matters

Organizations that are winning in today’s global economy are disciplined at being client-centric. One of the core components that supports being a client-centric organization is having an intentional listening strategy. A well-thought-out listening strategy allows your team to provide client experiences and it supports your clients winning in their business because of the partnership they have with your organization.

How effective is your company’s Listening Strategy?

Leadership Strategy

Two components of an effective Listening Strategy are:

  1. Asking intentional questions (the 3 Cs)
  • What do your clients care about?
  • What do your clients complain about?
  • What are your client’s challenges that are impacting their future?
  1. Develop a client feedback process including
  • Consistently asking for feedback
  • Asking thoughtful questions to collect relevant data to support improving the client experience
  • Involving your front-line professionals – what are they hearing from your clients? This is priceless!
  • Focus on the experience as well as the products.

Leadership Challenge

In the next 30 days, ask a group of your front-line professionals to answer the “3 C’s” to discover the effectiveness of your listening strategy.

Awesome Resource

Good Leadership Is About Asking Good Questions by John Hagel III (5-minute read)

Have an awesome month leading with impact!


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