Every day you hustle to get things done and you plan out what you’re going to do and when. Add on tackling unexpected and new tasks, never losing focus on where you are going. All of this is good because planning helps you achieve your goals. But how often do you take the time to step back and reflect on what happened? Or “watch the game film” as sport teams and athletes do?
Why it Matters
There is as much to learn from what you do well as in what mistakes you made and the problems you encountered. Accomplishments and “breakdowns” are learning opportunities if you take the time to practice noticing, reflecting, and contemplating to strengthen your mental muscle to “See More”.
Leadership Insights
“To transform your business begins with transforming yourself. Why, because to grow your business you don’t need to do more you need to learn to see more to see the gaps to support change, to grow.” Tony Zampella, Bhavana Learning Group
Leadership Strategy
Identifying gaps starts with developing a practice of “Daily reflection”. Start off simple, when finishing off your day, take 15 minutes to reflect by writing down a couple of things that went well and a couple that didn’t. From here we can look for gaps and create a plan to improve performance.
Awesome Read:
5 Powerful Reasons to Make Reflection a Daily Learning Habit, and How to Do It
Have an Awesome Month Leaders!