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Getting Back to Working in an Office


As business and countries start to re-open, companies are faced with the task of figuring out how to successfully transition staff back to the office. It is going to be important for companies to address this and develop a “return to work” plan.

Why it matters?

While some staff may be excited about returning to an office, there are some who would prefer to stay working remotely due to safety, risk of infection or to avoid the office environment all together.

Leadership Insights

Your company will need to be patient and have an adjustment period, most are calling it “flex time” for now.

As leaders you will need to have a conversation with your people to understand where their mindsets are and which side of the fence they are on (i.e.: “lets get back to it” or “lets just stay home”). Remember to address concerns that staff will have about embracing change; the change of coming back to the office will require well designed intentional conversations to disappear their concerns, issues, and fears.

If staff feel forced back, it may harm your Company’s culture and employee morale.

Leadership Strategy

If getting back in the office is your company’s goal, try making it attractive to come back to the office. Things like a workout area, free breakfast, lunch parties and upgraded computer equipment, are all awesome ideas that one of our Montreal based business partners is doing to attract employees back into their downtown office space.

Awesome Read

How to Attract Employees Back to the Office

Have an Awesome Month Leaders!

Why Giving Feedback is an Essential Leadership Skill


One key characteristic of a good leader is that they are able to reach organizational goals by motivating others. Giving constructive feedback helps individuals grow by learning how they can improve and by reinforcing the activities they are doing well.

Why it matters?

  • Feedback supports employees to see their blind spots that impact their performance
  • Feedback helps employees achieve their goals
  • Feedback builds trust between the leader and employee
  • Feedback influences employee engagement
  • Feedback reinforces individual accountability

Leadership Insights

If I asked your leaders what they are working on, their gifts and/or areas of opportunity, could they answer? Would it match what you would say? The answer should be the same and if its not, you have some work to do (feedback).

Challenge: Have ongoing conversations with your leaders to provide feedback like someone did for you in your leadership journey. It may be a difficult conversation, but the benefits are endless to them as a learner, you as leader and your company in achieving awesome results.

Awesome Read:

How Successful Leaders Give Honest Feedback That Inspires People and Does Not Hurt Their Ego

Have an awesome month leaders!

Upgrading Communication to Stay Connected


Great leaders are masters at communication because they understand the importance it has on a healthy team culture. When we are limited by our current environment and can’t control where we interact (like working at the office), it’s important for leaders to upgrade how they communicate to fill this gap.

Why it matters?

As our worlds start to “kick back-up”, a new normal is established, and companies are moving from a survive mindset to a thrive mindset, overwhelm for our people continues and it needs to be a part of leader’s responsibility to address.

Leadership Insights

Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information, it’s about understanding the emotion and intentions behind the information. As well as being able to clearly convey a message, you need to also listen in a way that gains the full meaning of what’s being said, and makes the other person feel heard and understood.

Challenge: Over the next couple of weeks, take some time to understand others (emotions and intentions) in your meetings before “taking control” or “getting right at it”.

 Awesome Read

8 Phrases That Help Us Communicate More Effectively

Have an awesome month leaders!

Turning Complaints into Requests


“We criticize people for not giving us what we ourselves are afraid to ask for.”
 – Marshall Rosenberg, PhD

In this crazy upside-down world, overwhelm seems to be the norm for most of the workforce, and it becomes very easy to get stuck in a complaint about what is going on around us.

Why it matters?
It is important to recognize that complaining is a pattern that undermines teams. It keeps you focused on the past and not building or exploring possibilities for the future.

Leadership Insights
Managers and leaders can become empowered by interrupting and redirecting complaints into powerful, actionable requests. If you want to achieve awesome results, leaders need to start looking for the hidden requests behind these complaints.

Leadership Strategy
Redirect the complaint by…

  1. Listening and sympathizing but do not get sucked into the complaint.
  2. Ask some follow-up questions to get into action and out of a “victim” mindset like:
  • Do you have any thoughts on how we correct this?
  • What would you suggest we do next?
  • What support do you need to address this?

Awesome Read
How to Complain While Still Being Professional offers some action steps that can support you in taking the lead and getting out of the complaint conversation and moving forward to results.

Have an awesome month leaders!

Slowing Down to Acknowledge Small Wins!


The key to success is realizing that our big goals are not going to happen overnight, in the next week or maybe even the next year and that is okay. We tend to focus on the end goals, rather than the small and significant steps we take to get us to that goal.

This is why it is important to acknowledge and celebrate small wins.

Why it matters?

In the book, The Progress Principle: Using Small Wins to Ignite Joy, Engagement, and Creativity at Work, authors Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer, discuss how even seemingly small steps forward on a project, can make huge differences in employees’ emotional and intellectual well-being.

Leadership Insights 

Acknowledging small wins over a long period of time, despite how these moments may seem insignificant to the larger goal and accepting that you only have the moment you are in, allows you to see it is the combination of moments over time that achieve big wins.

Take 15 minutes at the end of the week to identify 5 small wins, acknowledge the wins with others and notice the impact it has.

Awesome Read

Have an awesome month! 

Moving from Surviving to Thriving


The blunt reality is that even the most sought-after careers bring some stress and frustration, often daily. This may cause us to work in a “just get through today” or as we call it at Awesome Journey, a “survival mindset”. This can stop us from being the co-creators that we were meant to be.

Why it Matters?

As a leader, you are now the person that others come to when under stress and frustration. Many times, this comes in the form of a complaint which can negatively impact culture and potentially cause poor results.

Leadership Insights

We have a saying at Awesome Journey that we use with our clients: “Behind every complaint is a hidden request, can you hear it?”

When we are in a complaint, we often do not take the time to figure out what requests need to be made. It’s easier to just stay in the complaint, then to do the work to turn it around.


Next time one of your teammates comes to you with a complaint, empower them to see what request they need to make, to move out of a “survival mindset” and into a “thriving mindset”. (hint: most times it is creating a conversation that they should, but do not want to have!)

Awesome Read

The link below offers some action steps that can support you in turning a complaint into a request.

The Next Time You Want to Complain at Work, Do This Instead

Have an Awesome Month!

Overwhelm – How quickly can you see it in yourself?


Feeling overwhelmed is hardly unique to executives; yet leaders often deny, ignore, or push away the feelings. They accept it as part of their role or assume that they “should” be able to power through it.

Why it matters?

As a leader, you are the go-to person for others when the going gets tough. But what happens when the going gets tough for you, and it starts to affect how you lead?

Leadership Insights

BE MORE – Do Less!

Be more, self-aware as to the various ways, how overwhelm can manifest itself in your life like below examples:

  • Emotional volatility
  • Inability to concentrate or listen
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Feeling pervasive dread
  • Constantly irritated or annoyed
  • Numbness or withdrawal (from people or activities)
  • Physical aches and pains — headaches, back pain, digestive issues, fatigue and more

Challenge: Over the next couple of weeks, work on identifying Overwhelm in yourself. If you can “see it” then you can “take action”.

The link below offers some action steps that can support you in getting over overwhelm.

Awesome Resources:

Have an Awesome Month Leaders!

Declarations vs. Resolutions


It’s a popular tradition to set New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of the year. Since 2020 was a year unlike any other, do resolutions even deserve a place on your to-do list?

It is time to finally ditch resolutions for something more useful like making a “Declaration for Your Future!”

Why it matters?
Declarations are about taking a stand for the future you want to create. Resolutions focus on an action we want or need to take and thus fail most of the time.

Making a Declaration

  1. Take some time to determine what is important to you and what future you want to make possible. This will summarize what matters most to you. This may take several attempts but keep at it.
  2. Write them down so you can easily view them or even hang them in your office.
  3. Share your declaration for your future with the most important people in your life.
  4. Now commit to and live-in accordance to your Declaration and enjoy the impact and rewards of leading a life you deserve.

Examples of Declaration vs. Resolution:
Declaration – I will be a present, powerful leader for my Team.
Resolution – Have more quality Team Meetings in 2021.


Awesome Resources

Awesome Journey: 2021 Leadership Reading List


At Awesome Journey, we are passionate about learning to be great leaders both personally and professionally. One way we challenge ourselves to learn about leadership is by exposing ourselves to others who are passionate about leadership. Check out our 2021 Leadership Reading List recommendations hyperlinked for easy purchasing.

We would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season and a New Year filled with happiness, prosperity, good health, and transformation!

Thank You,

The Awesome Journey Team

How aware are you of your leadership presence?


Presence is “the state or fact of existing, occurring, or being present in a place or thing.”

Most leaders have a general understanding of what being present means, but few can translate that understanding into reality. Every moment through the day offers the opportunity to ask what I am present to?

Inquiry holds the potential to disrupt the fast-paced automatic distractions in life, to bring you to the root of what matters. When you are present, you might notice your past, present and future revealed at once, leaving you at choice to commit to what you care about.

To be present is to live in the moment, the here and now, not in the past assertions or future declarations. It is about being alert and aware of your emotional state and its impact on how you see the world and how others see you. Presence fosters intention.

While in a “presence state” you are likely to ask yourself questions like: for the sake of what am I doing this? how does the situation at hand connect with my purpose? and how do I need to act to fulfill a deeper sense of destiny?

A leader’s presence impacts a room negatively, positively, or not at all, and can be influenced between 3 ways of displayed presence:

1. Powerful Presence

A powerful leader is self-aware of who they are being with others. They are being:

    • Collaborative – “we” vs. “I” language.
    • A deep listener from a place of support and empowerment (which has others asking questions that put them into action).
    • A generative communicator.
    • Calm under pressure.
    • Supportive of other ideas, opinions, and beliefs – which makes others feel safe in their presence.
    • Accountable for their promises and agreements with others.
    • A learner.
    • Vulnerable – willing to say, “I don’t know” and “I need your support in finding a quality solution to this issue”.
    • Trustworthy.
    • Open to feedback.
    • Responsible for their choices and decisions.
    • Strong communicators/listeners by using direct eye contact.
    • In tune with their surroundings.
    • Relationship focused as well as transaction-focused – long term thinking.

You can measure when you are being a leader with a powerful presence by your impact on others. Your impact creates sustainable action with others. People leave a conversation with you, engaged, inspired, and motivated to execute on their promises made to you. People who work with you are confident at providing feedback and information that is real to support the success of the organization.

2. Forceful Presence

A forceful leader is less self-aware of who they are in the room. They are being:

    • Accountable for their own performance and expect others to do the same.
    • A listener for others from a place of “fix, help and rescue” – which has them telling others what to do to be in action.
    • Exclusive with others which shows up as controlling of their environment, information, and decision-making power.
    • Aggressive when others challenge their decisions or ideas.
    • Less open with others when they are unsure or do not have an answer, they see vulnerability as a weakness, i.e.:” “You are paid to know and if you don’t know, go and figure it out quickly so that you can be reliable for others”.
    • Less collaborative in their communication abilities:
      1. They like to tell vs. ask others for their ideas and opinions.
      2. They speak in the first person, i.e.: “I did this, I accomplished this…”.
      3. Their feedback tends to be critical and unsafe, i.e.: “You should have known that…”.

You can measure when you are being a leader with a forceful presence by the impact you have on others. For example, you create unsustainable action with others, or people leave a conversation with you, confused, uncertain and worried about how to be in action to support the project and how they will be supported by you. Feedback is rarely given, and open-door policies are seldom used.  People who work with you learn to tell you what you want to hear vs. what you need to hear to support the success of the organization.

3. Powerless Presence

A powerless leader’s presence shows up as unwilling and inauthentic. In a conversation, they are unwilling to own their authentic voice, don’t share their ideas or make people feel like they don’t matter by saying phrases like, “sounds good, I’m sure you will make it happen, I have no comments on this topic…”.

This may leave others confused, uncertain, disempowered and lost as to how to be in action to support the issue or opportunity at hand. When a leader is not present with their team, others see you as a powerless leader because they are left in a space of uncertainty or inaction.

Practices to Support Developing A Powerful Presence:

A leader who chooses to be intentional about living a powerful presence has a set of practices that has them being self-aware of their presence (overall energy) which they bring to the moment. Here are some examples of practices:

  • Healthy lifestyle – proper food choices and balanced sleeping patterns.
  • A daily breathing, mindfulness, or meditation practice.
  • Uses slow down techniques like “Power of the Pause”.
  • Reflecting at the end of each day to support self-learning.
  • Daily exercise.
  • Journaling – putting their thoughts on paper to create new awareness and learning
  • Learning in a community.
  • Giving and receiving feedback to expand self-awareness.
  • Self-care – quality sleep, time for self, time for play/fun/laughter, time for creativity and time for quality relaxation.

Want more? Check out our resource material for this:

  1. Article on the Power of Presence – https://www.bhavanalearninggroup.com/in-the-power-of-presence/
  2. Book entitled, “Leadership Presence” by Belle Linda Halpern & Kathy Lubar – https://www.amazon.ca/Leadership-Presence-Kathy-Lubar/dp/1592400868/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1602172801&sr=8-2
  3. Article on the Power of the Pause – https://www.bhavanalearninggroup.com/3-conditions-cultivate-attention/
  4. Article on Fixing, helping & rescuing – https://www.uc.edu/content/dam/uc/honors/docs/communityengagement/HelpingFixingServing.pdf


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