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Leadership Insights

I was recently in Toronto for a family visit, and on the way home I experienced a very cool leadership moment on my WestJet flight. The flight attendant had just

How well do you really know what goes on in your company? In “Bursting the CEO Bubble” by Hal Gregerson (Harvard Business Review), Hal speaks to one of the biggest

As an Executive, how prepared are you for the workforce of the future? By 2025 millennials will account for 75% of the workforce, which will have a significant impact on

Every now and then a great book comes along talking about the importance of business culture. Business culture is the environment a company creates for how they do business and

Being the CEO of a company brings with it a level of prestige that other positions do not have. You are in a position with power, but surprisingly your power

I was recently chatting with a potential new client and he made the comment that many people make about Executive Coaching – “We have never gotten the quality returns from

As Executive Leadership Coaches, one of the key reasons our clients come to us is to help them grow their leaders, so they can grow their business faster. Every time

As a leader, you have no shortage of opportunities that cross your path. This is both a blessing and a curse, as most leaders say “yes” too often because they

As an Executive Leadership Coach for the last 17 years, a common question I get asked is, “What is the key barrier that limits a CEO from being great?” Many

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