Being a Client Centric Organization
By designing a client-centric business model, organizations can build strong and long-lasting relationships with their clients, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive business growth.
By designing a client-centric business model, organizations can build strong and long-lasting relationships with their clients, increase customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive business growth.
In our continuing focus on Team Leadership and how clear agreements create workability and drive results, the second part of creating a clear agreement is “making a real promise”.
Change is inevitable. The last few years have presented unsettling and uncomfortable circumstances, most of which have been beyond our control. The impact of change on our mental and emotional states is often dismissed as we strive for a return to normal functioning in the world.
Imagine a workplace where everyone knows exactly what needs to be done and expectations are met the first time. A clear request also opens the door to building trust, enhancing loyalty, changing attitudes, and increasing productivity. Yes, clear requests are that impactful to an organization’s overall performance!
This month we are focusing on Performance and how Leadership plays a critical role in its success.
Leadership is the most important ingredient to increase the performance of any organization.
You can tell the level of leadership by the overall success the organization is generating. They are producing consistent, repeatable, and reliable results.
Leadership and performance go hand in hand with trust. The more leaders both demand and demonstrate their trustworthiness by being sincere, competent, reliable, and involved, the better results they will see from employee performance.
Start to measure your team’s level of trust that improve performance by answering these questions:
Answer the questions above and start building trust to improve performance, a key tool to being a great leader!
Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!
This month we are focusing on Strategic Execution, and the conversations needed to support the success of any Strategic Plan. One of these conversations is feedback and, more specifically, what “breakdowns & struggles” have been seen that need to be addressed by having a feedback conversation.
Feedback is a fundamental leadership practice for improvement! To improve organizational performance, we have to deal with the areas that have low workability. Could you imagine a football team not looking at the game last week to make adjustments for this week?
So, what stops leaders from receiving or giving feedback? The biggest reason is that we have learned from an early age that feedback is negative, demotivating and possibly hurtful. In most cases, the view of feedback is that it’s bad news, wrong or even career-ending – so let’s just avoid it altogether.
As leaders, we have to be comfortable with giving constructive (useful, beneficial and purposeful) feedback and using it as a tool for improvement versus making others feel small, wrong or judged.
Remember, when you have leaders who are open to giving and receiving feedback, overall performance will improve!
In the next few weeks, ask 4 people to give you constructive feedback on your leadership. By modelling to others that you are open to receiving feedback, it will impact others’ listening for receiving feedback in a positive way, and as an important tool for success!
The Joy of getting Feedback by Joe Hirsh
Have an Awesome Month Leading with Impact!