What does it mean to be Powerful?
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Real power has nothing to do with position, title, authority, money or force. Real power has everything to do with one’s ability to manifest their reality with ease.
Question #1: What is your source of power?
A person’s source of power allows them to manifest their reality with ease from within.
Some examples of a person’s source of power are:
- When I hold myself and others accountable to our commitments/promises
- When I live my life purpose
- When I am responsible for my choices
- When I am honouring my word
Question #2: What causes a person to be Powerless?
A person is powerless when they step over or around their issues.
What are some examples of issues that people step over or around?
- Finances
- Health
- Relationships
- a. Personal
- b. Professional
- Work responsibilities
- Spiritual
- Time
Question#3: What is my commitment today to being a Powerful Leader? I will commit to being …
Question #4: What issue am I currently stepping over or around in my life that is causing me to be powerless?
Question #5: What is one action that I will take today that will put me into action to being a Powerful Leader?
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